Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group

Corporate Name Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited
Establishment Date 21 October 1918
Paid-in Capital 139,595 million yen (as at 31 March 2024)
Number of Employees 12,143 (non – consolidated basis as at 31 March 2024)
Head Office 9, Kanda-Surugadai, 3 Chrome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Insurer Financial Strength Rating In New Zealand, the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010 requires licensed insurers to have a current financial strength rating that is given by an approved rating agency.

Financial Strength Rating is an independent opinion of an insurer’s financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations.

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited has a Financial Strength Rating of A+ (Stable) given by A.M. Best and A+ (Stable) given by Standard and Poor’s.

A.M. Best’s Financial Strength Rating Scale is:

A+ Superior
A Excellent
B+ Good
B Fair
C+ Marginal
C Weak
D Poor

Standard and Poor’s Financial Strength Rating Scale is:

AAA Extremely Strong
AA Very Strong
A Strong
BBB Good
BB Marginal
B Weak
CCC Very Weak
CC Extremely Weak
R Under Regulatory Supervision
SD Selective Default
D Default
NR Not rated

The rating scales may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.


MS&AD Group Credit Ratings The latest credit rating of MS & AD group
Solvency Disclosure

The solvency of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited expressed in JPY millions and its solvency ratio calculated on the Japanese regulatory basis at each reporting date were:

(JPY millions)

Mar 31, 2024 Sep 30, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Actual Solvency Capital (A) 4,133,628 3,855,755 3,405,349
Minimum Required Solvency Capital (B) 1,196,153 1,102,069 995,234
Minimum Required Solvency Ratio 200% 200% 200%
Solvency Margin [(A)-(B)] 2,937,475 2,753,686 2,410,115
Solvency Ratio
[(A)/{(B) x 1/2}] x 100%
691.1% 699.7% 684.3%

The solvency of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited expressed in NZD millions and its solvency ratio calculated based on the requirements of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand at each reporting date were:

(NZD millions)

Mar 31, 2024 Sep 30, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Actual Solvency Capital (A) 45,562 43,255 40,724
Minimum Required Solvency Capital (B) 13,184 12,363 11,902
Solvency Margin [(A)-(B)] 32,378 30,892 28,822
Solvency Ratio
[(A)/(B)] x 100%
345.6% 349.9% 342.2%

MS & AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.

MS&AD Holdings is a listed holding company with five directly invested Group insurance companies in Japan: Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. (MSI), Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd. (ADI), Mitsui Direct General Insurance Co., Ltd. (Mitsui Direct), Mitsui Sumitomo Aioi Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (MSI Aioi Life) and Mitsui Sumitomo Primary Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (MSI Primary Life); and eight affiliated operating companies: MS&AD InterRisk Research Institute & Consulting, Inc., MS&AD Business Support Co., Ltd., MS&AD Staffing Service Co., Ltd., MS&AD Systems Co., Ltd., MS&AD Business Service Co., Ltd., MS&AD GRAND ASSISTANCE Co., Ltd., MS&AD ABILITYWORKS Co., Ltd., and MS&AD VENTURES INC.

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